Vice President of Bolivia warns of coup plans

Advances in medical treatment were reported to former Paraguayan President Lugo

Asunción, October 20 (Prensa Latina) Paraguayan Senator and former President Fernando Lugo’s health is slowly evolving with advances in the treatment he is receiving, his personal doctor Jorge Querey said today.

Left party coalition leader Frente Guasú suffered a stroke on August 10 and is currently undergoing therapeutic rehabilitation treatment in the Argentinian city of Buenos Aires.

Lugo is currently doing certain exercises three times a day and neurologically has a sleeping and waking phase, Querey was quoted as saying by the newspaper La Nación.

According to medical reports, the senator cannot move, speak or breathe independently.

It is premature for Querey to speak about the conditions and extent of the recovery as the scenarios are still uncertain.

Regarding the evaluation he is subjected to, he explained that there are three basic aspects; The first is the motor part, which so far has been satisfactory as Lugo can move all four limbs. The second is the respiratory problem which he says he can last between six and seven hours without the help of the ventilator but after that time they reconnect him and the third problem has to do with the neurological to which the senator two- or is subjected to motor and neurostimulation exercises three times a day, Querey said.

Currently, the Guasú Front holds Senator Lugo as the top candidate for the Paraguayan Senate list.

Lugo (1951), sociologist and former Catholic bishop, was elected Paraguay’s 48th president in the April 20, 2008 elections against the so-called Patriotic Alliance for Change, a position he held until June 22, 2012, when the event took place, held his deposition through a controversial and, for many, rigged impeachment process.
