Al Jazeera presents conflicting information about deaths in Gaza Revista

Al Jazeera presents conflicting information about deaths in Gaza Revista Oeste

The state broadcaster Al Jazeera, owned by the monarchy Qatarreleases conflicting data on the number of deaths in November 5th and 6th War between Israel and the terrorist group Hamas.

On Sunday the 5th, the channel announced that 9,770 Palestinians had died in the Gaza Strip up to that day, including 4,880 children.

The News also reported that the war had caused the deaths of 1,430 Israelis, including 341 soldiers and 50 police officers killed on October 7, and 25 soldiers killed since the ground invasion of Gaza began.

The information appeared in an infographic by Al Jazeera published on Sunday 5th at 9 a.m. (Brasília time).

Al Jazeera Infographic Nov 5In the graphic published at 9 a.m. on Sunday 5, Al Jazeera reported that 4,880 Palestinian children have died so far due to the war between Israel and Hamas Photo: Reproduction/ Al Jazeera

However, later on the same day at 5:55 p.m. (Brasília time), the channel reported on its live conflict updates page that 4,008 Palestinian children had died since the start of the war up to the date in question. In other words: 872 less compared to the previously disclosed information.

Al Jazeera Infographic Nov 5In the data published at 5:55 p.m., also on Sunday 5, the broadcaster announced that 4,008 children had died, 872 fewer than a few hours earlier | Photo: Reproduction/ Al Jazeera

More inconsistent data from Al Jazeera

This Monday the 6th, Al Jazeera reported that 10,022 Palestinians died in the war, including 4,104 children.

The channel also reported that the number of Israelis killed was 1,405, 25 fewer than the figure published the previous day.

The data was published in an infographic on the channel at 10 a.m. (Brasília time).

Al Jazeera Infographic Nov 6This Monday the 6th, the channel announced that 1,405 Israelis had died, 25 fewer than announced the day before | Photo: Reproduction/ Al Jazeera

Excluding Sunday the 5th, the number of Israeli deaths reported by Al Jazeera since October 26th stands at 1,405.

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Latest information

This Tuesday, the 7th, the channel reported that 10,328 Palestinians had died in the Gaza Strip, including 4,237 children.

According to the broadcaster, at least 164 Palestinians died in the West Bank. Israeli losses were 1,405. The infographic with the data was updated at 10:40 a.m. (Brasília time).