All four limbs were amputated after he ate fish infected

All four limbs were amputated after he ate fish infected with bacteria

A 40-year-old American woman in California had all four limbs amputated after eating fish contaminated with a mysterious bacteria.

Laura Barajas was infected with the bacteria Vibrio vulnificus after eating tilapia, a freshwater fish purchased at a market near San Francisco.

After an operation, the forty-year-old fell into a deep coma before having all four of her limbs amputated on September 14, according to ABC.

The causative bacteria are commonly found in brackish water off the Atlantic coast of the United States and in the Gulf of Mexico.

The U.S. health agency says infections are rare but their impact could be devastating for vulnerable victims.

Although the FDA claims that the infection “does not pose a threat to most healthy people,” the infection can be fatal in some cases.

The Vibrio vulnificus bacteria kills one in two cases and has killed at least five people in the United States this year.