1688072191 Alofoke replies to Cheddy quotaccording to Mama Luchonaquot CDN

Alofoke replies to Cheddy: "according to Mama Luchona" CDN

Alofoke replies to Cheddy: "according to Mama Luchona" Alofoke replies to Cheddy: “According to Mama Luchona”

Businessman and influencer Santiago Matías Alofoke commented on Cheddy García’s recent video, in which he again accuses him of his position regarding the artistic career of Chelsy García, the actress’ daughter.

“I agree with Mamá Luchona,” Matías wrote in response to the video originally published on Cheddy García’s account and shared from our Instagram account.

Alofoke replies to Cheddy: "according to Mama Luchona"

In the video, Cheddy García slams businessman Santiago Matías Alofoke, whom he has labeled a “social cancer” and is campaigning against him, despite having sent a legal notice to the businessman last year.

In one of his recent programs Santago Matías Alofoke meant that his daughter Chelsy does not develop artistically because her mother does not allow her to do it herself.

“In order for Chelsy to succeed as an urban singer, she must make the difficult decision of stepping out of the shadow of genre nemesis Cheddy Garcia,” Alofoke said.