Ambra and Renga daughter teaches haters a lesson the video

Ambra and Renga, daughter, teaches haters a lesson: the video is touching


The freshly 18-year-old, daughter of Angiolini and the famous singer, lets herself be thrown into an outburst with which she destroys the keyboard lions

Ambra and Renga daughter teaches haters a lesson the video

Published December 15, 2022

Jolanda, daughter of Ambra Angiolini and Francesco Renga, teaches keyboard lions a good lesson and now also manages to move a large part of the web. It all happened on Tik Tok, where the X Factor 2022 coach’s eldest daughter let herself be thrown into a moving outburst. Frankly and with all sincerity, the new 18-year-old fears no one and tells us what it means to be the daughter of when we live in a world where wickedness has its place. Jolanda lashes out at those who have nothing better to do during the day than insult them for free behind the screen of a device with a keyboard.

These people know they can harm those who receive such insults. And probably that’s exactly why they use so much cruelty towards a girl who also had to give an answer. Through the video on TikTok, Ambra and Renga’s daughter embarks on this outburstwith which he manages to beat his haters.

“Hello, I’m Jolanda, the ugly daughter. “You are ugly” is something I always say to myself since I was little and see myself in the mirror, since I see myself in photos. “You are ugly, you have an ugly nose, an ugly smile, an ugly mole, ugly legs…everything is ugly”

These are the first words of Jolanda, who does not hide and honestly reveals herself on social networks, exactly where she receives these insults. No one deserves to be insulted for no reason, but it should be emphasized that Ambra and Francesco Renga’s daughter is anything but ugly, quite the opposite. But the purpose of keyboard lions is always the same: to punch.

“I have to say that at the beginning I felt bad, very bad, so today instead of saying that to myself, I decided to apologize. I’m sorry for giving meaning to these people’s words. Luckily, I don’t dream of being beautiful or even being my parents’ double. My desire in life is to do things that matter.”

Jolanda wants to make the world a better place. That’s why she is happy with what she tries every day to achieve this goal and always tries her best. He believes that the most important things in life “are the things you don’t see”. For this reason, Tit affects his soul much more than his face. “Because it won’t last forever. Instead, my heart and soul must remain nice and clean,” says Angiolini’s daughter.

If the worst thing she’s been told is that she’s ugly, then she can rest easy: “Surely you can’t say of me that I’m mean or selfish.” A mature language and a person who is aware what really matters in life. A good lesson is the one that gives keyboard lions and lions there is also good advice because he must suffer slights and insults.

“I want to say to all those who feel like me that as long as they care about and respect themselves and others, they will always shine in a different light. Friendly people are really beautiful. Don’t allow others to change this special and unique part of you, make it a strength.

A deep discourse, that she annihilates those who try to bury her by insulting her. Some time ago, Jolanda made her presence felt on social networks when she decided to publicly defend her mother, Ambra Angiolini, who separated from her partner Massimiliano Allegri. Mom and daughter then wowed the web with a special tattoo!