Americans believe Trump has more mental strength than Biden

Americans believe Trump has more mental strength than Biden

US citizens believe Donald Trump, the North American country’s former president, is more mentally healthy than current White House occupant Joe Biden, according to the results of a Fox News poll released on Thursday.

Specifically, 61% of respondents believe that the American president does not have the mental strength he needs to effectively carry out the office he holds – 22 percentage points more than in July 2020 -, 36% are convinced and 3% are convinced of this. I do not know.

Meanwhile, 52% of respondents responded that his predecessor was also mentally unfit to lead the U.S. government, while 46% said he was and 2% were unclear.

Are you corrupt?

When asked whether the word “corrupt” defines these candidates, 48% answered “yes” in the case of Biden, compared to 56% in the case of Trump. In fact, one in five members of the Republican Party believe the former president is corrupt.

On the other hand, the questionnaire shows that half of Americans are afraid of a repeat of the presidential election between Biden and Trump, while 47% are looking forward to it and 3% have no idea.

Between September 9 and 12, the television station surveyed 1,012 registered voters across the country who were randomly selected. The survey’s margin of error is around three percentage points.

The next US presidential election will take place on November 5, 2024. In addition to Biden and Trump, other candidates include former Vice President Mike Pence and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, both Republicans, and politician Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Democrats.