Antonella Clerici did exactly that again: Well, that's not natural at all | The unpublished truth comes to light Street Food

Antonella Clerici retouchingAntonella Clerici – StreetFoodNews (Instagram photo)

Would you have ever said that even Antonella Clerici has succumbed to the charm of retouching? Apparently its beauty is not only due to Mother Nature.

Antonella Clerici She's almost a family friend. This is the effect that some characters in the world of entertainment have when they appear on television almost every day for years.

And like them, few others actually enter our homes every day. At the beginning The cooking testand today AND always lunchtimeItalians' lunchtime is characterized by the recipes that their cooking friends have been suggesting for over 20 years.

But it's not just what makes her so relatable, it's also the fact that she shares her life without ever hiding anything. He admitted it WHO, where he said: “There are public figures who share their work but not their private life.” I made a pact with the public: you know everything about me, it's not like I decide, only then to speak when it suits me.”

And so between loves, betrayals, disappointments and menopause, love Antonellina She strives to show herself without any shame and is aware of the love of the audience that has supported her for decades. But today another truth is coming to light: the one about rework.

Antonella Clerici: The changes she gave in to

Antonella Clerici She has never hidden behind a finger, not even in a moment as special as menopause. For many women, a difficult moment that they all go through but that we never talk about. For this reason, he wanted to send a message through the pages of Ok, health and wellness.

After reaching the threshold of 60 years, which she completed on December 6, she turned to women and said: “You must not feel doomed, old, done.” Maturity gives us the awareness of who we are, and the ability to not worry when the skin is no longer as tight as it used to be.”

Antonella Clerici's birthdayAntonella Clerici celebrates 60 years – StreetFoodNews (Instagram photo)

What the presenter did

But even if she accepts that her skin is no longer as tight as it used to be, that doesn't mean she hasn't gone into the hands of the plastic surgeon. Unbelievable, but also true Antonella Clerici he succumbed to the lure of retouching, as they say. Albeit easily. TO Today He admitted that he was always in favor of it, especially for those who work in television. But no fillers that swell: “They say it absorbs, but that's not true.” I see certain monsters nearby.

So what does she do? He admits: “Twice a year I go to the cosmetic doctor to get Botox and biostimulation. I don't like fillers because they distort the face. […] It is better to make small adjustments than sudden and unnatural interventions. I see certain mouths around me, my mother.

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