April 4, 2022 – 8:45 pm
For people with corona infection and symptoms, there should only be an urgent recommendation of five days of isolation starting May 1. Federal and state health ministers agreed to the new procedure, as Health Minister Lauterbach announced on Monday in Berlin.
Infected and contact persons: Lauterbach announces “urgent recommendation”
Infected people should only self-isolate for five days – not by order of health authorities, but by “urgent recommendation”. Only employees in the healthcare sector and in nursing homes and senior citizens will have to be isolated for at least five days in the future if they become infected with the corona virus.
For infected staff in healthcare or healthcare facilities, however, isolation must continue to be ordered by the cabinet and only end five days after a rapid test or negative PCR, according to the conference of health ministers.
Therefore, contact persons of infected people are also “strongly recommended” to be quarantined for five days. Infected and contact people should test themselves regularly.
In the video: Why many people are infected with Corona multiple times
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The easing of quarantine rules is intended to serve this purpose
With the easing of quarantine rules, mass staff shortages must also be avoided when the number of infections is high. They are based on a suggestion from the Federal Ministry of Health and the Robert Koch Institute (RKI).
So far, secretions usually last for ten days and can be terminated with a negative test after seven days. Often, a formal order from the health department is no longer issued. (dpa, Reuters/swi)