At BBB Wanessa Camargo says she was in debt and

At BBB, Wanessa Camargo says she was in debt and had to take out loans


At BBB, Wanessa Camargo says she was in debt and had to take out loans

The singer also said she doesn't know how she will pay the bills to attend the program after shows were canceled.

  • Photo by author Estadão

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Published on January 13, 2024 at 4:58 p.m

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Enter Wanessa Camargo

Enter Wanessa Camargo. Photo credit: Globo

Wanessa Camargo revealed on the show “Big Brother Brasil 2024” that she is in debt. During a conversation with Beatriz, the singer said that she took loans and had to cancel shows to take part in the reality show.

When she found out about the situation, Beatriz joked with Wanessa. “If Zezé’s daughter [Di Camargo] is in debt…” she said

The singer soon explained her situation. “How am I going to pay the bills without working? I had to cancel my show, my income comes from shows,” he replied.

Wanessa then talked about the loans she had taken out. “For three months without a performance, I had to keep borrowing money. And I had to pay a fine for the performances I canceled,” he added.