After an average start of Rs. 13.25 crores, Akshay Kumar’s Bachchhan Paandey remained at the same level on Saturday, increasing the two-day total to approx. rupees 26 crore According to preliminary estimates, the second day of the collection of Bachchan Paandi is about Rs. Rs 12.50 to Rs 13.75 crores.
While the box office is solid, the film failed to show any significant bounce in business on Saturday, and ideally since the opening wasn’t optimal, Akshay Kumar-Kriti Sanon’s film could be expected to show a bounce on Saturday. But that did not happen. Bachchhan Paandey is now targeting the first weekend around Rs. 41 crores, and it all comes down to the decisive test on Monday. But still, let’s wait to see how this production of Sajid Nadiadwala does on Sunday and Monday.
Made on a budget approx. Rs 180 crore (including Akshay Kumar’s royalties), Bachchan Paandey needs a global share of approx. Rs 60-65 crore to break even, which means there is a long way to go. According to trading estimates, he recovered around Rs. 115 crores from non-theatrical income, leaving Rs. 65 crores must be made from the theatrical medium.
The first two days of Bachchhan Paandey would have been at least 25 percent better were it not for the competition from The Kashmir Files, and this movie has become a huge competitor for this masala performer out of nowhere. However, the producers still managed to get a decent amount of screens and a demo with enough power to run the business and make a successful bet. Akshay Kumar’s goodwill in the market has also helped the producers achieve good results in theaters around the world despite the competition.
On Saturday, while some hubs such as UP, Bihar and Delhi surged, Mumbai saw a slight drop in business while Gujarat was about the same as on Friday.
More Pages: Bachchan Paandi Box Office Collection, Bachchan Paandi Film Review