BBB champions Kleber BamBam and Diego Alemão allegedly staged a “horror show” during the recording of the band's “Programa do João” last Tuesday (27). The information comes from Gabriel Perline from the IG portal.
BamBam was reportedly invited to commentate on the fight against Popó, in which he was defeated after being knocked out in 36 seconds. Everything was going well until production presented Alemão as a “surprise” for the BBB 1 champion.
The winner of BBB 7 would have yelled at BamBam and asked him to sort out their differences in a fight. The other exBBB would have tried to lighten the mood, but in the end there was an “outburst” and he went to the Boy Scouts and destroyed the equipment.
As Perline reports, Bambam is said to have taken home admission cards from the show. In addition, his team had already contacted the program to discuss returning the files.
Alemão's lawyer confirmed the situation to the portal and mentioned that his client wanted a fight against Bambam. The BBB 1 winner said that “there was nothing there.”
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