Amidst a burst of tears and sorrow, the Journalist Bárbara Bermudo announced yesterday her reasons for having her breast implants removed after 17 years.
Bermudo published an emotional video on his social networks in which he tearfully opened his heart to tell of the suffering that Asia Syndrome had unknowingly caused him, a set of symptoms caused by an autoimmune or inflammatory reaction due to the Introduction of a foreign substance into the body and is associated with gel, silicone, or saline breast implants.
“The last three, four years it’s been agony not knowing anything about what’s going on in my body. “I am at rock bottom with my health and I am confident that I can regain my health once the implants leave my body”he said in the video recorded before the breast explant surgery.
“I gave myself permission to show myself in a vulnerable moment and while it was hard to hit the record button, I know I did the right thing. This is where I hit rock bottom, I couldn’t take it anymore. Although I recorded this video a few weeks ago, today it makes sense and responsibility to share it as I am two weeks explanted today. I’m one of thousands of women who have searched for the root of my symptoms for years without finding any answers,” said the communicator, who admitted she should have changed implants when she was 10 but didn’t.
“I am committed to helping as many women as possible who may be going through the same thing. Trust in God, as He did with me, He will do the same with you, for it is a leap of faith. I have already removed my dentures with @davidrankinmd and you can tell them “Healing is Real”. Produced by a chronic inflammatory response as our cells’ defense mechanism against the prosthetic foreign object, breast implant disease can trigger a state of autoimmunity, where your body’s own defenses no longer recognize and attack the body,” he added in his letter .
The communicator underwent surgery and claimed to be in good health.
Bermudo isn’t the only celebrity to have made the decision. Giselle Blondet, Brenda Robles, Alejandra Espinoza and Vanessa De Roide have all opted to have their implants removed for health reasons.
Alejandra Espinoza told El Nuevo Día last December that she had to have surgery to remove the implants because one breast “had encapsulated me and I was having problems with the other.” After the operation, he expressed that his health was very good. (Javier J. Freytes) Puerto Rican actress and presenter Giselle Blondet announced that she would have her implants removed to improve her health and hopes her pain will go away and she can have a better quality of life if “I have these foreign bodies.” no longer have”. Life. (Included) Puerto Rican Vanessa De Roide, 2012 Nuestra Belleza Latina, also struggled with health for years and said goodbye to implants in 2020. (Instagram) Famous actress Nicole Kidman removed her breast implants for fear of a toxic substance in her body. (The Associated Press) Victoria Beckham wanted her breasts to return to their natural shape after undergoing surgery when she was young. (Photo: WGSN) Actress Tori Spelling also had health problems with her breasts after her pregnancies, which is why she decided to have the implants removed. (FILE) Puerto Rican makeup artist Yanira Giselle decided to remove her implants and her health has improved since then. (Screenshot/Instagram) (Included)