BBB 23: Aline and Fred express concern about MC Guimê’s actions at a party Splash

Aline Wirley and Fred Desimpedidos shared their impressions of MC Guimê at yesterday’s BBB 23 (Globo) party. The two worried about the singer, describing the moment as “strange.”

Aline said she was worried after seeing the singer fall headfirst to the floor, and Fred said he stayed at the party longer than he wanted so as not to leave Guimê alone.

fred: “It’s a word that defines ‘strange’ well. I was like, ‘What the hell is that, Guimê? What’s going on?'”

A line: “Bruna threw away the vodka bottle, but she goes to places that … It’s an attitude. You’ve written one damn story so far, got it?”

fred: “I thought the same thing mommy. So much so that I went up to him and said, ‘You’re giving me trouble. Stop’. So much that he came back after hitting his head, there was the clip, he generally went sleep, I was about to sleep because it wasn’t a good night for me, everything reminded me of Larissa, there was also the question of contemplation, there was also the point of not having my party, the reflection of my attitude. But since he was kind of alone, I said, ‘I’m staying here’.”

A line: “I believe everyone. Bruna has sobered up!”

fred: “It’s not the songs I like for parties, I’m almost sleepy, I’ve been limping on the sofa, but I’m staying here to see what he’s going to do and stop him from doing something stupid about it.” do. In our vision, was there such a cool way to do something stupid? We take care of ourselves, we take care of others, but in the end we have to take care of ourselves.

What happened?

MC Guimê and Cara de Sapato have been accused of assaulting and sexually harassing Dania Mendez. The funk singer stroked the influencer’s bottom and back a few times, even without her consent.

Sapato, on the other hand, forced a kiss from the Mexican and approached her on the bed in the Fundo do Mar room. BBB production caught his attention.

Splash contacted Globo twice this morning to comment on the night’s events, but received no response. The room remains open for demonstrations.

POLL UOL: Should Guimê and Sapato be expelled from the country after allegations of harassment?