BBB 23: Is Gabriel Santana’s departure the fault of Amanda’s fans? syringes

Gabriel Santana retired 11th from BBB 23 (Globo) after being nominated by Amanda for Paredão, who became Poder Joker of the Week and said he wanted to know the public’s opinion of his brother.

For the journalist and commentator of the reality shows Flávio Dantas, Dantinhas, the percentage in which the actor left the program of 56.45% shows that Amanda’s fans went out of their way to give the sister an answer.

“I think that percentage has to do with Amanda’s supporters who will eliminate one by one from Quarto Fundo do Mar. Your supporters are those willing to vote for 48 hours without eating, bathing or eating. , and that’s what the BBB does,” he said.

Former BBB 16 Ana Paula Renault added that Amanda’s fans should be articulate well on social media and influence the next few walls of the program.

“This departure from Mosca has to do with the Docshoes. They have extreme strength and that has to be taken into account in every wall from now on,” he emphasized.

“Respect my history,” says the former BBB after being compared to Amanda

Journalist and former BBB Ana Paula Renault, who took part in the 16th edition of Globo’s reality show, didn’t like being compared to BBB 23’s Amanda.

Ana Paula commented splash show A post that went viral on Twitter for comparing Amanda to former contestants on the show.

“In my opinion, Amanda is already on the same level as Juliette, Manu, Gil, Prior and Ana Paula Renault when it comes to being a memorable reality show contestant,” the tweet reads.

“I think you have to respect my story. A memorable candidate are people who shape a story, who have a plot and at least a catchphrase, something that will be remembered for a while. The other contestants messed up their edits and what we have about it from Amanda so far?” the former BBB said.

During her time at BBB 16, Ana Paula became one of the audience’s most popular contestants, bouncing off a false wall and becoming known for the catchphrase “Olha ela!”.

The exsister was eventually banned from the program over an allegation of aggression, which is still against Big Brother Brasil rules to this day.

O splash show Special on the BBB with Franklin David and commentary by Ana Paula Renault airs live here on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays syringes.

Where to watch: YouTube by Splash, Facebook, Twitter and UOL’s homepage.

When to see: Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays, around 11:30 p.m.

Check out the full program: