1680252517 BBB23 Fred Nicacio makes fun of himself at the Leaders

BBB23: Fred Nicácio makes fun of himself at the Leader’s Test OFoxico

The Leader’s Test this Thursday, March 30th, was one of resistance. Little did the brothers know that, in addition to the challenges of their own work, they also had to deal with the provocations of their competitors for leadership. Yes, it’s been a difficult morning for at least half the house. However, Fred Nicocio It is Domitila were the ones who got most excited. The doctor tried to defend himself.

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To Domitila, he warned that he would utter a cry, but if everyone was silent, distracted, in the middle of the competition. The goal was to get other people (mainly Bruna) to let go of the button and get disqualified. It even sounded like a good plan.

He even came into action but it didn’t roll. The Carioca aimed at Bruna, but Cezar and Ricardo got scared. Despite this, no one was disqualified for triggering the button test mission. Things went badly for the Deep Sea member, who laid out his strategy to no avail.

The rule broken

Fred Nicocio It is Larissa starred in a bizarre scene on the live show this Thursday, March 30th. Participants had to choose totems in which they would participate in the dynamic. Tadeu Schmidt gave clear instructions that everyone should approach the bases through the two main entrances.

The presenter asked not to jump over the chains separating the main circle from the rest of the scenery. He spoke directly to the doctor who failed to comply.

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To choose the totem next to Domitila, he jumped the chain to stay in place before the other contestants. However, Larissa was already heading towards the same point. The two had a small barb exchange, but the teacher’s argument was unbeatable: she was sticking to the rules.

Lost, the brother wandered around looking for another place to be close to the social activist, someone to talk to, give and receive support with during the dynamic. It was Bruna who gave this room to the doctor.

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BBB23 Fred Nicacio makes fun of himself at the Leaders

Vinicius Pessoa

He studied journalism at the Faculdade Cásper Líbero and at the Instituto FIAM/FAAM in São Paulo. Follows realities, theaters, shows and everything else that has to offer entertainment. He has been part of the OFuxico team since 2021.