Also this Sunday afternoon America and Turkey offer great surprises with the new episodes of Beautiful and Terra Amara channel 5. The two soaps that captivate viewers will be broadcast like every Sunday Start at 2:00 p.m. An appointment not to be missed, with all the characters we have met (for better or for worse) and with new storylines. Let’s check out some previews from today.
The previews of Beautiful
In the new episodes of Beautiful brookeIn a very difficult moment, she tries to be close to her husband ridgeJust like Hope try to stand by liam. Sheila after I already shot her the first time, tries to kill Steffy again But Liam stops him by arriving just in time.
In the meantime, Brooke asks her husband Ridge to come home, but at the moment he only thinks about taking care of his daughter. Taylor tells Ridge that she thinks it’s really cool that Steffy and Liam are still so close. While Brooke is alone with Hope, warns her fearing that Taylor might manipulate the situation to bring her daughter and Liam back together.
Liam promises Steffy that he will stay with her because she will always be a part of his heart. Steffy is discharged from the hospital but still doesn’t remember anything that happened to her and is deeply saddened by Steffy’s death Finn. Liam is very close to her unleashes Hope and Brooke’s jealousy who fears a possible rapprochement between the two.
The previews of the new episodes of Terra Amara
In the new episodes of Terra Amara Mujgan goes to jail to have a confrontation with him Zuleyhawhich turns out to be very heated and causes a cruel doubt. mujgan accused behavior for attempting to kill Zuleyha, just as she herself denounced while she was hospitalized for poisoning. Angered by the allegations leveled against her, Behice meanwhile threatens to leave Mujgan asks Yilmaz to move to Istanbul.
Uzumto the delight of Saniye And gaffurHe’s facing his first day of school. while in, demir wants to sell his shares in the refinery to Vedat, who is the victim of a serious accident. The incident is part of the plan of the Ankara men who want to force Demir to sell them his shares through an unknown middleman.
Fekeli asks for Hunkar advise against demir from selling his shares to those very men and at the time of the official signing It is she who blocks the sale with a train of entrepreneurs. While Demir hangs out with new friends and new girlfriends, Zuleyha from prison is desperate because she can no longer hear from her children or even see them.