Behind the door Ups and downs of single life

Behind the door | Ups and downs of single life

Every week, La Presse brings you a testimonial designed to illustrate what really happens behind the bedroom door, in privacy, far from statistics and standards. Today: Mathieu*, 50 years old

Published at 1:23 am. Updated at 1:00 p.m.


Recently separated, Mathieu is discovering these days the joys of being single and its encounters, each more unpredictable (confusing?) than the last. Interview with a colorful and mixed 50-year-old who no longer knows exactly how to dance.

The tall, brown-eyed brunette, sitting in a northern suburbs cafe, doesn’t hide it: “It’s a bit of an outlet to talk about it!” he says, breaking into a big, infectious laugh, that doesn’t let go of him during the interview.

He is extroverted, funny and has obvious interpersonal skills. When you meet him, you have no idea that his testimony will be so entertaining. He probably puts in a little too much, but that’s fair, because in a short time our man actually saw all the colors.

Let’s start at the beginning. Mathieu got his first girlfriend at a young age, in secondary school. “We discovered everything together. And it is very rare. We were very much in love: French, breasts, fingers, cunnilingus, at the end of coitus! But it took us a few years to get there! » New laughter.

He made some friends at CEGEP and then at the university before experiencing his first “passion” right at the beginning of the new millennium. “It was very wild,” he remembers. We had a very natural chemistry, it was a very greedy relationship. But that’s the thing, I’m often attracted to passionate, open-minded girls, but this is too much. […] It is often accompanied by a preference for alcohol and drugs. […] That’s true, but I come from a heterosexual background! » says our conversation partner with a laugh and sneaks in the fact that he is an engineer. “A bit of a wild engineer,” he adds with a smile.

Following this adventure, he met the mother of his children in early 2000. Their story lasted 20 years. “We met at work. I dipped my pen in the company’s ink,” he says, laughing even harder.

Everything you shouldn’t do attracts me!


In bed ? “Very good,” he replies, “all my partners, except for the one-night stands, it was never a problem.” Sexuality has always been a plus. »

Yes, even with the children, the years, the routine, he assures. “I am a good connoisseur, I never get tired of a woman, I always found her beautiful and attractive. » And then back then he avoided cocktails, happy hours and other “temptations,” as he says.

Still, for all sorts of other reasons, her story eventually ends. They part ways by mutual consent. It was two years ago. Mathieu continues seamlessly: “And then I’m hungry! ” he said in a solemn tone. “I’m free, single, ready for new flesh! »

As soon as joint custody is mastered, and even before he registers for a dating application, he will take action. At a sports center he spots a beautiful woman, leaves her a message (yes, a note, on paper) as he leaves and invites her to dinner. Madame read the text that same evening, touched by such unusual attention.

“Except that I notice in the restaurant that she is very enterprising,” he continues. Without warning, she asks him: “Okay, should we go to your house?” » Mathieu doesn’t hide it, he is “intimidated” here. And now, in no time, he finds her on her bed in her underwear. “But I,” he grimaces, “a one-night stand, I have a little trouble mechanically, you know? » Now she adds: “I wouldn’t hate to have a bit of cola between my breasts…!” » New laughter. “Good there! I didn’t ! »

Quite a baptism, we agree.

And look how confused I will be after many other, completely different encounters!


That’s because he then signs up for Tinder and initially has a “super cool” first meeting. Their adventure lasts a year and undoubtedly comes too quickly because Mathieu is not ready to embark on it. “The first evening we are French in the restaurant, then we dance at home in our underwear! A really nice evening! “, he said to himself afterwards. Because not all of his first parties will be so successful.

Starting with the next one, with a woman introduced to him by one of his best friends. First meeting: in a bar in the Plateau. So far, so good. When it’s time to say goodbye, everything is even better: “Big Frenchman, before we say chaos!” It’s cool, it’s fun! » Mathieu feels good. Then comes the second meeting, this time in a restaurant. “I tell myself I have to do something, so I secretly give her a kiss on the cheek. » Mistake: “You didn’t ask for my consent,” his date replies. “I thought it was a joke…” They never saw each other again, didn’t speak to each other or even wrote to each other anymore.

“I’m stunned,” he explains, half laughing, half confident. I don’t understand what’s happening! The girls tell bad stories, take dick pictures, etc. Me? I am intelligent and financially well off, why am I being rejected? »

That’s not all. Mathieu is then introduced to an “experienced professional” at a party. “Oh, that’s hot!” She makes more money than me, which I found attractive. […] But once again it’s a box full of surprises,” he warns. At the end of the evening the two are pretty “hot” and Madame comes home to Mathieu. “Wo, it’s going fast, I’m hot, I’m not ready to go yet,” he says to himself as Madame whispers in his ear, “I don’t hate it when it’s rough…” !

“Tsé: Consent? » asks our interlocutor, who is not exactly a fan of the crude, with humor and a pinch of sincerity.

All of these stories left me a little discouraged from the dating scene.


“I feel like people are very steadfast in their positions,” he continues. Girls often have lists. » Lists of things they are looking for? Yes, but not only that. “Mostly things they don’t want. »

He knows what he’s talking about. The last meeting in the race, but still a great love at first sight, with whom Mathieu experienced the most “unbridled” nights of his life, a woman with whom he even went on a trip on a whim, after that he simply doesn’t leave his plan anymore a month. For what ? “You bought a pack of cigarettes while traveling…” she replied.

He is still speechless to this day. “It’s okay for women to be difficult,” he said, “but often they are difficult about the wrong things!” A man who has a good heart, who is kind even when he has his fingers up his nose , don’t judge him for that! » he said, both amused and disillusioned.

* Fictitious first name to maintain anonymity