Brazil registered 28 incidents of violence against the press weekly

Biden achieved “uneven” results protecting D.Humans, according to AI

This content was published on March 28, 2022 – 11:09 p.m. March 28, 2022 – 11:09 p.m

Washington, 28 March (EFE) .- Amnesty International (AI) confirmed this Monday that US President Joe Biden’s administration has achieved “inconsistent” results when it comes to implementing measures to improve human rights protections.

In its annual report, the organization positively assessed that Biden is pushing for reintegration into the United Nations Human Rights Council and returning to the Paris climate agreement, from which the United States withdrew under the administration of Donald Trump (2017-2021).

However, AI believed that the Biden administration has failed to implement “respectful” asylum and immigration policies at the US-Mexico border, nor has it lived up to its promises to improve human rights protections domestically.

Among other things, the organization highlighted that immigration authorities continued to “drastically” restrict access to asylum law at the US-Mexico border and caused “irreparable harm” to thousands of people, including minors, who were fleeing violence in their home countries .

The report refers to a rule known as “Title 42,” proclaimed under Republican Donald Trump’s administration (2017-2021) due to the public health emergency of the pandemic, which has allowed for the majority of incoming migrants to be automatically deported. to the border without the possibility of applying for asylum.

For example, the ordinance allowed authorities last year to deport thousands of Haitians who had lived in Latin America for years and tried to enter the United States.

The state’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one of the nation’s highest health agencies, is now reviewing “Title 42” to determine whether or not to renew his application, a decision they will make before March 30 have to.

In addition to the right to asylum, Amnesty International highlights the passage of a law in Texas that bans six-week abortions when many women are unaware they are pregnant, and the excessive use of force by police against civilians, particularly civilians African American.

In addition, tribal women continue to be disproportionately victims of rape and sexual violence, but the government still does not collect data on this scourge.

Amnesty International also states that “little” progress has been made in closing the military prison at the Guantanamo base (Cuba), which Washington opened in 2002 under the George W. Bush administration (2001-2009) to hold suspected criminals 39 people are still imprisoned.

According to the organization, no steps have been taken to bring to justice those responsible for the controversial torture program set up by the CIA to interrogate suspected terrorists after the September 11, 2001 attacks. EFE


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