A few dozen more minutes and the new edition of Big Brother begins. Alfonso Signorini is ready to welcome the new cast and make official the opening of Italy’s most famous house. As announced for some time, Cesara Buonamici, the historic face of Tg5, will join the presenter in the studio. The journalist will be present in all the episodes of the reality show to take on the role of commentator and comment on the events that will enliven the day of the protagonists. As Buonamici was finishing her daily briefing on Canale 5 this evening, she thought of a funny sentence that has already made the rounds on the Internet.
After showing and greeting Alfonso Signorini in the studio, the journalist promoted the new version of Big Brother to encourage the audience to be glued to the television. “Who will support him as a commentator?” he asked the audience. The answer was as obvious as it was hilarious: “It always will be me,” he added. The video that occupies the frame in question is already viral. “She, who announces herself, is extraordinary,” “What an icon this woman is,” “Number one, you can see she can’t take it,” we read on social networks.