Endemol Shine Italy
For the “Big Brother VIP” three spots for the finale are taken and access to the final episode is becoming less and less. to be nominated Edward Tavassi He wonders if he can become one of the finalists or if it’s his destiny to go out on Monday. Doubts overwhelm him so much that he tells Onestini of his helplessness…
The final with friends Edoardo Tavassi explains that he cannot imagine a final without his friend, without Alberto or Nikita. They are all competitors who he thinks are strong, which is why he believes they will easily make it to the end. Unlike the others, he therefore does not know whether he is liked and appreciated on the outside. Onestini reassures him by stating that he is sure the other is very much loved and supported by the fans.
The last week Edoardo Tavassi has wished to spend the past week with the people who have accompanied him on his adventure indoors. And his biggest dream would be to reach the finals only with the Spartans. Meanwhile, Jaele arrives and can only agree: it would be nice to spend time with close friends. Will Tavassi’s wishes come true?