1701126750 Bird flu spreads to other provinces of Ecuador

Bird flu spreads to other provinces of Ecuador

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Quito Ecuador’s Environment Ministry today activated surveillance protocols in Manabí province after detecting an outbreak of bird flu in the La Boca mangrove there. The State Portfolio reported that the dead animals continue to be monitored and sampled as biologists, veterinarians and other technicians at the facility work on the final disposal of the birds.

In a statement, the organization announced that to resolve the situation, interagency working groups were set up involving, among others, the Ministry of Health, Agrocalidad, local authorities and prefectures.

On November 11, outbreaks of this disease were also detected in the El Morro Manglares Wildlife Sanctuary, the provinces of Guayas, Tungurahua and the Galapagos Islands.

Bird flu spreads to other provinces of EcuadorThis Monday, the Environmental Agency reported that six thousand dead birds were found in the El Morro Wildlife Sanctuary, mainly those belonging to the frigate colony species.

It is home to a colony of 35,000 frigatebirds, a genus of suliform birds also known as Rabihorcados and considered the largest in the South American Pacific.

Visiting the frigate colonies is one of the main tourist activities in El Morro, so the ministry restricted access to this sector and ordered the implementation of biosecurity protocols for boats and personnel working near the area.

(Source: Prensa Latina)

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