Bolivia marks World Health Day with a seminar to share

Bolivia marks World Health Day with a seminar to share experiences and analyze the transformation of health systems in the region PAHO/WHO

La Paz, Dec 16, 2022 (PAHO)- Under the premise of moving forward towards integrated, comprehensive and resilient universal systems, representatives of Bolivia, Colombia and Cuba met for an international virtual seminar on the transformation processes of the health systems in the region as part of the commemoration of Universal Health Day. instead of 12.12.

The joint organization of the seminar between the Ministry of Health and Sport and the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) was attended virtually by Minister of Health and Sport Jeyson Auza and PAHO/WHO representative Alma Morales in Bolivia Salinas; as well as exhibitors from Colombia, Cuba and Bolivia.

The seminar aimed to contribute to the discussion on the transformation of health systems in the region, based on the analysis of ongoing processes towards universal health systems based on primary health care and integrated health networks.

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Each country presented its particularities, contexts and challenges. But similarities and similarities were also identified to provide opportunities to share good experiences and practices, and to help create spaces for innovation and the development of evidence-based health policy.

In a nod to the celebration of World Health Day, PAHO/WHO Representative in Bolivia, Alma Morales, conveyed the organization’s main message, which is a call for people, communities and organizations to take action to create a better, healthier world. He stressed: “When we talk about access, we talk about leaving no one behind, about working at the heart of values: the right to health, justice and solidarity.

Not just talking about the specifications based on equality, but adequately addressing each need, such as the indigenous people who have different health needs.”

Morales emphasized that Universal Health “not only provides a portfolio of services, but, on the contrary, prepares and responds to the needs of the services.”

For this reason, Morales said that “it is important to invite people and communities to participate in order to reflect their needs in local diagnoses, considering primary health care as a gateway to essential, comprehensive and quality services”.

The representative added: “You cannot continue talking about PHC thinking that it is a low-cost strategy that offers a basic package, but on the contrary a comprehensive strategy with out-of-school interventions that go beyond health centers. Likewise, he pointed out the importance of being connected to the integrated health networks and developing the link between the levels of care”.

On this occasion, the PAHO/WHO representative also thanked the Minister of Health and Sport for co-organizing this first event. He reiterated the organization’s commitment to provide continuity to these technical meetings, which show the great potential for cooperation between countries.

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World Health Day on December 12 is always an opportunity to raise our voices and speak out on the situation of individuals, families and communities who still lack access and coverage to basic, comprehensive and quality primary health care (PHC)-based health services. PHC) is missing. .
It highlights the values ​​that support Universal Health: the right to health, justice and solidarity. It is an official United Nations day that marks the anniversary of the unanimous endorsement of universal health as a key priority for international development.