A German museum offers its visitors the opportunity to try the most disgusting culinary recipes with live maggots and bull penises on the menu, but “there’s no arguing about taste and color,” they say.
According to Geo magazine, visitors can discover more than 90 culinary recipes at the Disgusting Food Museum in Berlin, from the famous sheep’s eye soup, which is widespread in Mongolia, to frog smoothies from Peru.
Among these “disgusting” recipes we can find traditional Jamaican dishes made with bull penis, eaten for their “aphrodisiac” properties, rotten Swedish herring or the famous durian, a nauseous fruit from Thailand.
Visitors to the museum can also come across a traditional Italian cheese considered the most dangerous in the world due to the presence of live flies and maggots in its paste.
“The Disgusting Food Museum invites visitors to explore the world of food and challenge their ideas of what is edible and what is not,” its website states.
“We wouldn’t eat a dog here because it’s too close to us. In India, on the other hand, it is unthinkable to eat the sacred cow,” analyzed the nutritionist Bastienne Neumann, quoted the magazine.