Bonus pellet stoves how to play in advance

Bonus pellet stoves how to play in advance

In about ten weeks, depending on geography, we will be forced to wear heavier clothing. It is wise to play ahead where not absolutely necessary, given that we are in for an autumn and winter of austerity, between prices and shortages of energy, especially gas, forcing the government to consider probable rationing. .

It is therefore necessary to examine alternative sources of heat that are cheaper and escape the logic of quotas. Including the ovens fed pelletsthere are incentives to buy them.

This is how the bonus pellet stove works

The bonus can fall under two different logics. The first is that ofeco bonus to the 65%, a maximum of 30,000 euros, but only for the energetic renovation of buildings that are already registered in the land register or whose registration procedure is in progress. It cannot therefore be applied to buildings under construction.

The second logic, that of relief tax of 50%falls into the bonus mobile, since stoves powered by biomass are considered extraordinary maintenance according to the Budget Law 2022. The maximum deductible amount is 10,000 euros for 2022, which means that the purchase and eventual installation of pellets must be completed by December 31, 2022.

In fact, biomass stoves are considered like a heat pump air conditioner, but it can also be used to heat rooms.

The 50% bonus applies to each individual stove, regardless of whether it has one smoke management or not, also in combination with the traditional heating system. Beyond the relief, it should be borne in mind that it is possible to use the traditional boiler for a few hours a day and run the pellet stove for the rest of the day, achieving significant savings and keeping the rooms at a comfortable temperature even during the day where the climate is more severe.

How to claim the bonus

For the 50% personal income tax deduction it is necessary to document and certify the expenses at the time of the tax return. For the eco-bonus, the seller or installer must send the necessary notification to Enea, the National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development.

In addition to documentation tax, the proof of payment whether they are bills, wire transfers, or credit or debit card transactions. Anyone who pays in cash, by check or with unclear means of payment cannot benefit from the discounts.

In both cases, it is necessary for the seller or installer to certify that the stove meets the parameters established by Law 152/2006.

The pellet

It is derived from various plant sources, including wood and its processing waste. In recent months, the price of pellets elevatedIt is therefore advisable to stock up in advance as the price usually starts increasing in the month of August due to natural market demand.

Pellets not only save money, but also protect the environment. In order to achieve both goals, it is advisable to only buy pellets quality certifiedsince the inferior varieties produce a greater amount of smoke and combustion residues which, by clogging the stove, increase consumption.

Last but not least, pay attention to this Fraud. The website reports that the Guardia di Finanza seized 1.5 million bags of counterfeit pellets, or 5,000 tons. Currently, the site reports, a 15-kilogram sack of pellets costs between 15 and 20 euros due to increasing demand, material shortages and inflation. Finding them on the market at much lower prices should lead to caution.