1677773663 Braineating amoeba kills man washing his face in Florida

‘Braineating’ amoeba kills man washing his face in Florida

Bacteria are common in the US state, but there are no treatments or cures yet

In day 20. Februarya man died just washing his face under the tap at home Florida, USA. He became infected through his nose with the amoeba Naegleria fowleri, commonly known as “brain eater“.

amoeba "brain eater" kills a man washing his face in FloridaPhoto: Disclosure/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

The channel FOX 4 reported that amoebic contamination it only happens through the nose and it is extremely rare. she used to live Freshwatersuch as lakes, rivers and hot springs. It’s the first time the US state has recorded the presence of the amoeba in a human residential faucet.

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News page of Santa Catarina  News from Timbó, Indaial, Blumenau and the region


A Naegleria fowleri Caused primary amoebic meningoencephalitis (PAM, in English), a direct infection in the brain that explains the popular moniker. Still there is no treatment or curealthough the amoeba is known in Florida.

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News page of Santa Catarina  News from Timbó, Indaial, Blumenau and the region

In July 2022a boy out 13 years deity, Kaleb Ziegelbauer, contracted the same amoeba. He survived, but still is today. hospitalized and completely weakened. The hospital recently announced this Caleb He opened his eyes and moved his hands little by little.