Defending democracy dominated today’s meeting of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva with governors or representatives of Brazil’s 27 states following the coup acts in the Brazilian capital.
Photo: taken from PL
“We will not allow democracy to get out of control because that is the only chance we have to guarantee these humble people can eat three times a day or have the right to work,” Lula said.
The Labor Party founder called the gathering after the terrorist attacks in the Plaza de los Tres Poderes on Sunday, when radical supporters of ex-President Jair Bolsonaro broke in and looted the seats of the National Congress, the Federal Court of Justice and the Palace of Planalto, seat of the Executive.
Once again, the President reiterated that the institutions will investigate and reach out to the coup act’s donors in Brasilia.
“In the name of defending democracy, we will not be authoritarian with anyone, but we will not be lukewarm with anyone. We’re going to investigate and find out who funded it,” he said.
He criticized the denial of the election and the coup demands of a radical Bolsonaro minority (supporters of the ex-military).
Without naming Bolsonaro, whom he identified as a former president, he mentioned the former army captain’s baseless allegations against the electoral process.
“What we are doing here is trying to fix a mistake from there when everything was denied in this country,” he said.
At the end of the meeting, Lula invited everyone to go to justice.
“I now invite you to walk to the Supreme Court to pay a visit in solidarity with our President Rosa Weber and our Supreme Court Justices,” said the former trade unionist.
During the meeting, Weber thanked the governors for proposing the meeting.
He praised the “national unity of a Brazil that we all want, in the sense of defending our democracy and the democratic rule of law”.
She alluded to the violent invasions that took place this Sunday at the Supreme Court building, which she says has been “virtually destroyed.”
Finally, in contact with a contingent of reporters, Lula regretted everything that happened in the federal district yesterday and promised that the barbarism would never be repeated because democracy and the mechanisms of security systems would be strengthened.
(Taken from Latin Press)