Brazil ended the health emergency caused by Covid 19

Brazil ended the health emergency caused by Covid 19

The ordinance containing the decision was signed by Health Minister Marcelo Queiroga on April 22 and set a deadline of 30 days for states and municipalities to adapt to the new reality.

This finding was based on the improvement in the epidemiological scenario and the progress of the vaccination campaign at the South American giant.

According to the ministry, no public health policy will be interrupted despite the provision.

“The folder will support the states and municipalities in the continuity of the measures that make up the National Emergency Plan,” specifies the source.

On April 17, Queiroga announced the end of Espin on radio and television.

He argued that “thanks to the improvement of the epidemiological scenario, the wide immunization coverage of the population and the care capacity of the SUS (Single Health System), we are able to announce the end of the public health emergency of national importance.” , the Spin».

However, he clarified that the measure does not “mean the end of Covid-19” and “we will continue to live with the virus. The Ministry of Health remains vigilant and ready to take any necessary measures to ensure the health of Brazilians,” he added.

In this Sunday’s statement, the portfolio notes that “Due to vaccination, Brazil has seen a more than 80 percent drop in the rolling average of cases and deaths from Covid-19 compared to the peak in cases triggered by the Ômicron Variant was caused earlier this year.

He insists that the technical sections believe the epidemiological criteria indicate that the nation “is not in a state of national public health emergency.” Now the measure also applies to drugs that should only be used during the crisis.

According to the decision of the Collegial Board of Directors of the National Health Surveillance Authority, the authorizations are valid for one year.

Brazil has recorded 99 deaths and 12,613 cases of the disease over the past 24 hours, according to data released this Sunday by the National Council of Health Ministers.

Since the pandemic began in March 2020, the country has accumulated 30 million 791,220 infections and 665,627 deaths due to Covid-19.
