After netizens pointed it out Camila Loures is one of the participants of Camarote do BBB23, after giving strong hints as if they were current by posting old pictures in Stories; and wrote in the bio of her Instagram profile that “good things happen”, the column Leo Dias investigated and discovered what is behind the publications and changes in the influencer’s social networks.
Our report found out that the Podcats presenter changed her Instagram bio at the end of last year due to her plans for 2023. Some contracts have been canceled and new ones signed by the office that manages her career and thus communication in her networks changed.
Camila Loures
whoandcamilaloureslivecareerandcontroversiesAdvertisement by Partner Metrópoles 1Camila Loures chooses the BBB theme for her birthday party
Camila Loures chooses the BBB theme to celebrate her birthday
Advertising by Metropoles 2 partnersCamila Laures 4
camila loures
Advertising by Metropoles 3 partnerscamila loures
camila loures
Promotion of Metropoles 4 partnersCamila Loures
Camila Loures
Promotion of Metropoles 5 partnersCamila Laures 1
Camila Laures 2
Promotion of Metropoles 6 partnerscamilalouresmansãoplaybacktwitter
Camila Loures has signed a contract with one of the largest cosmetics and beauty companies in the country as the new ambassador. Apparently, the partnership will yield news for 2023, including a project and content collaboration. The announcement will be made at the end of January.
Stay indoors!
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