Capitol Storm 18 years in prison for right wing

Capitol Storm: 18 years in prison for right wing extremist militia leader

The founder of the far-right militia Oath Keepers, Stewart Rhodes, has been sentenced to 18 years in prison for storming the US Capitol.

The 57-year-old was sentenced to 18 years in prison by a federal judge in Washington for “seditious conspiracy”. It is the highest penalty to date in connection with the January 6, 2021 storming of the US Capitol.

Prosecutors asked that Rhodes be jailed for 25 years and asked that he too be prosecuted for “terrorist conduct”. Judge Amit Mehta accepted the request but imposed a reduced sentence.

Rhodes was found guilty of “seditious conspiracy” in November. He tried to overthrow the US government, it was argued. Five Oath Keepers were charged with “armed rebellion” against the United States government. Extremists wanted to prevent Joe Biden from taking office after President Donald Trump was ousted.

Oath Keepers are classified as anti-government and violent.

Weapons hidden in hotel

The former soldier Rhodes – known for his black eyepatch – and his militia mates bought weapons and combat equipment and stored them in a hotel near the US capital. Rhodes acted “like a general on the battlefield” during his storming of the Capitol, District Attorney Jeffrey Nestler said during the trial last fall.

Rhodes denied planning an attack on the Capitol. According to him, he and his militia just wanted to ensure security at a Trump rally in Washington on the day in question.