Celia Guevara has died at the age of 93 Farewell

Celia Guevara has died at the age of 93. Farewell to the younger sister of “Che”

Celia Guevarade la Serna, younger sister of Argentine revolutionary Ernesto “Che” Guevara, died in Buenos Aires at the age of 93. The day after her disappearance (July 18), news spread from the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Buenos Aires, where she had been doing research for many years. “We are sorry to announce the death of architect and developing world specialist Celia Guevara,” the university’s institute wrote on its website, recalling “Che’s” sister’s career at the institution as the leader of several research projects. The disappearance was confirmed by Argentina’s Telam news agency.

Celia was a year and a half younger than Ernesto and was very close to him. The second of five children, they were together until the end of their teens, when she began studying architecture at university and her brother began studying medicine. Subsequently, Celia focused her research on developing countries and also traveled to Europe and Switzerland, to Geneva. A subject to which he devoted most of his academic career.

Former President of Bolivia Evo Morales expressed on his Twitter account his “great sadness” at the death of Celia Guevara and his solidarity with the family and the “Latin American brothers, especially the Argentines and Cubans, who mourn this loss”.