1672101555 China the Covid wave is rampant but Beijing is reopening

China, the Covid wave is rampant, but Beijing is reopening its borders. Tesla extends production stop…

The consequences of the new Covid-19 pandemic wave affecting China are intensifying. From Saturday the US automaker Tesla ceased production at his plant shanghai Extension of the planned eight-day shutdown at its largest plant. The halt is partly linked to the slowdown in demand, but mainly to the spread of infections among factory workers. Unless the production should be postponed again Resumption from January 2nd. Problems are also noticeable Applewhose products are largely built and assembled in the factory Foxconn in Zhengzhou, in China. Due to the epidemic, Foxconn has shifted some of its production to other plants across China but is struggling to keep up with the usual pace and wait times for high-quality Apple products remain unusually long. According to analysts, this situation could lead to a 8% loss of income in the last three months of the year with effects that will also weigh on profits in 2023. It’s not just a problem with factories, Apple’s Beijing store has had to reduce its hours because almost all employees were ill. A fifth of Apple’s revenue comes from sales in China and the Asian country over 90% of iPhones are assembled.

“China, 250 million Covid infections in 20 days.  In Beijing and Sichuan, over 50% of the population has the virus.”

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“China, 250 million Covid infections in 20 days. In Beijing and Sichuan, over 50% of the population has the virus.”

Daily infections in China may have peaked the 37 million last week. They became infected in the first 20 days of December about 250 million people, 18% of the total. A million deaths are feared in the coming months. Despite the development of the situation, China has announced this it will reopen borders and abandon quarantine procedures for those arriving from abroad next January 8th. The surge follows the government’s decision to lift the policy’s strict restrictions “Covid Zero”, which caused widespread protests. A choice, however, that takes place during vaccination rates in the country remain low and the effectiveness of Chinese-made vaccines has been shown to be significantly lower than that of Western medicines. This was announced yesterday by the National Health Commission it will no longer publish daily data on the development of infections and the number of victims (whose reliability there were already doubts), make it difficult to monitor the spread of the virus. Experts fear that this lack of information will make it more difficult to react promptly to the possible emergence of new variants of the virus. Beijing also called on the population to do so today get acquainted with the rules of personal hygiene and apply them which may help slow the spread of the epidemic. The Christmas season is particularly difficult to deal with as many city workers return to the cities rural areas from which they come, with the risk of promoting the further spread of the disease.

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