chips or quotHot Chip Challengequot they are very spicy

chips or "Hot Chip Challenge" they are very spicy

A spokesperson for the eastern Czech Republic-based manufacturing company announced in mid-November that the product would no longer be delivered to Germany. Following incidents, emergency medical calls and food warnings, the product can no longer be sold in Baden-Württemberg.

The coffin-shaped “Hot Chip Challenge” packaging contains a single, extremely hot tortilla chip – plus latex gloves for touching. Because they are spicy, “Hot Chips” are a phenomenon, especially on the internet, which spreads through videos on social media. The product is advertised as a “challenge for the bravest”. Thanks to a special blend of spices, these are the hottest chips in the world.

The “challenge” announced by the manufacturers includes eating the entire chip (“Don’t say we didn’t warn you”), filming consumption and reaction, sharing it on social media and recommending friends to do the same.

KC Trading’s statement on Friday stated that it was determined that the capsaicin content was too high and was classified as hazardous to health. The substance capsaicin is responsible for the spicy flavor you get when eating peppers. It can also be used medicinally.