In an unusual scene that caught the attention of many viewers, the famous Peruvian soccer player Christian Cueva was the protagonist of a peculiar event during his visit to a luxury store Louis Vuitton. Accompanied by his wife and children, the player enjoyed a unique shopping experience as the store temporarily closed its doors to the general public.
After the Alianza Lima controversy and ahead of his possible departure from the blue and white club, the popular ‘Aladdin’ was back on everyone’s lips after he was caught with his family in a Louis Vuitton store.
What made this moment special was that the place closed its doors to the general public for a period of time. This measure allowed him to stroll calmly through the aisles of the store and select the products of his choice, without pressure or curiosity from other shoppers.
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News of this fact quickly spread on social networks, as some users captured the moment on video and shared it on different platforms. The video quickly went viral, sparking a wave of comments and opinion.
While some netizens praised the Louis Vuitton store’s attitude of giving privileged attention to a socialite like Christian Cueva, others expressed their dissatisfaction, assuring that the Blanquirroja player had gone too far.
For his part, “Aladdin” has yet to make any public statements about the events, preferring to stay out of the controversy his visit to the luxury store sparked.