Clothing from four centuries can be found at the bottom of the sea in Holland


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A great mystery encircles the Netherlands in Europe. An intact ancient dress has been found after being buried at the bottom of the sea for centuries. The part was in one Shipwreck near Texelhappened around 1650.

According to records, the equipment was found in 2014 after a storm removed the silt that had covered the ship for years.

However, it came to light when it was featured in an exhibition at the Kaap Skil Museum in Texel, along with other objects from a documentary called “The Dress”, which tells the story of the events.

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In addition to the dress made of silver and gold thread, books and hygiene items were also found.

From the materials, the researchers concluded that the clothing belonged to a woman who was wealthy at the time.

Those responsible for the documentary film, which will tell the story of the dress, came up with three possibilities for the origin of the piece.

One of which is that the clothes would be from a theater company Escape from England while the other speculates it was the dress of the wife of an ambassadorpossibly on a return journey from Constantinople to England.

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The third and final theory examines the possibility that the dress of a european family on the run of the Thirty Years’ War when the shipwreck took place.

*With information from Portal Hora 7 do R7

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