Countries back controversial EU nature law and call for more

Countries back controversial EU nature law and call for more funding for biodiversity – Portal

  • EU countries agree on a common position on biodiversity law
  • Countries are asking the EU to allocate funds to nature conservation efforts
  • Most natural habitats in the EU are considered to be in poor health
  • Despite political resistance, Brussels is trying to save the draft law

LUXEMBOURG, June 20 (Portal) – EU countries’ environment ministers on Tuesday reached agreement on a landmark bill aimed at restoring decaying natural habitats, after watering down parts of the proposal and agreeing to increase EU funding for the restoration to provide damaged environments.

The EU proposal to restore the failing health of Europe’s natural habitats – 81% of which are classified as being in poor condition – has sparked heated political debate, with EU lawmakers and some governments opposing the bill and wondering whether the EU should much accumulating environmental regulations applied to industry.

EU countries backed the bill, but only after the European Commission, the executive branch of the union, agreed to propose EU financial support for nature regeneration measures, should it be deemed necessary.

Hungary, Italy and Romania were among the countries calling for more support, while Germany had opposed the creation of a new EU fund.

The countries weakened parts of the Commission’s original proposal.

An amendment would remove the obligation to ensure that the health of tidal flats, grasslands, forests and other habitats does not deteriorate, and replace it with an objective to “endeavor to take the necessary measures” to do so impede.

Another measure would weaken targets for revitalizing drained bogs, at the request of countries like Ireland, where dry bogs are managed and peat is used for fuel.

Irish Climate Minister Eamon Ryan welcomed the compromise, saying it offered hope that “the destruction of nature was not an inevitable certainty” while avoiding restrictions that would prevent countries from further developing their economies.

Still, the densely populated Netherlands rejected the deal, citing concerns it would slow down the expansion of wind farms and other economic activities. Finland, Italy, Poland and Sweden were also opposed.

“We cannot do everything at the same time and in a small space,” said Dutch Minister for Nature Christianne van der Wal.


EU climate chief Frans Timmermans told reporters he was not concerned about countries’ adjustments to make the law more flexible. However, he criticized MEPs for wanting to block the law and refusing to negotiate.

Both EU countries and the European Parliament must approve the final draft law.

“It really saddens me that some are trying to tie climate politics to the culture struggles. Because then a kind of tribal opposition arises. And once you get into tribal opposition, facts don’t matter,” Timmermans said.

The EU Parliament’s largest lawmaker group is leading a campaign against the law, arguing that allowing more space for biodiversity-enhancing elements on farmland would jeopardize food production.

More than 3,000 scientists have dismissed these claims, but the law’s future still looks uncertain. A motion by EU lawmakers last week to reject the entire proposal fell by a razor-thin majority before a full vote in the European Parliament in July.

Reporting by Kate Abnett; Adaptation by Jonathan Oatis, Gareth Jones and Susan Fenton

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