Couple buys house for one euro (!) in Italy oe24


September 23, 2023

A house for one euro, who wouldn’t buy it immediately – but there is a catch.

In the small Sicilian town of Mussomeli, houses are being sold for a symbolic euro. The only problem is that accommodations are usually in dire need of renovation – and you have to dig deep into your pocket to do it.

American Jeffrey Pfefferle first read about the ridiculous house prices in the small Sicilian town in 2019. The community wants to counteract the population decline. At first, Pfefferle and his partner Leon McNaughty thought it was a hoax. So in 2021, they decided to travel there and investigate.

The 1 euro house has four floors and a garage, but needs renovation work. “Now there’s electricity, the sanitation facilities are ready,” Pfefferle told CNN. According to Pfefferle, Italian artisans work a little slower than in the US. “But locals quickly find solutions when there are problems.”

The couple is extremely impressed with the work style and the relaxed and pleasant atmosphere. “Mussomeli offers in abundance the things we value in life,” said the American who retired early. “It’s a place that offers quality of life where people are more important than money.”

In the near future, the couple plans to emigrate from Southern California and live the Italian dream. The two are waiting for visa approval to then begin their adventure trip.