Even a gentle course is enough to permanently damage the lung volume of an unborn baby. A new study from Munich shows this.
There is a reason why pregnant women are among the most vulnerable groups when it comes to Corona. The reason: you do not get sick alone, but you also touch the unborn child. Vaccinations are all the more important for this population group. It has been proven that vaccinated mothers give birth to protected children.
Vaccinated women give birth to protected children
The aim of the study was to explain the impact of SARS-CoV-2 infection on the fetus, especially in the context of the ongoing discussions on the benefits of vaccination in pregnancy.
Researchers in Munich examined 34 fetuses with fetal MRI to determine lung volume as a measure of lung growth in fetuses whose mothers had not been vaccinated and had uncomplicated infection during pregnancy.
this fetal magnetic resonance imaging is a highly specialized research method that allows a detailed study of the development of fetal structures before birth.
The women were infected with the alpha variant of the coronavirus at different times, which was confirmed by the PCR test. Fetal lungs were measured by MRI, lung volumes were determined and compared with those of a so-called reference cohort who were not infected during pregnancy.
Particularly reduced lung volume in the third trimester
“The fetuses of pregnant women who tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 had a generally lower lung volume compared to the reference cohort,” explains Sophia Stöcklein. The effect was especially pronounced in third trimester fetuses, averaging 69% of the expected mean for normal lung development.
A possible explanation for this could be transmission of the virus through the placenta into the amniotic fluid and from there to the fetal lungs. “The third trimester of lung development is particularly characterized by the maturation of important cells on the gas exchange surface,” explains Anne Hilgendorff, “so that when these cells come into contact with the virus, they can alter lung development.”
What immune advantage do mothers vaccinated with mRNA have?
The effects of the restriction will only be visible
But: the newborns were doing fine right after birth. They showed neither dyspnea nor other adaptive disorders. To what extent a reduced fetal lung volume might be relevant to further development, scientists want to see in further studies up to the age of two and five – with surveys on lung development and potential lung diseases.
Overall, researchers advocate further research on babies whose mothers were SARS-CoV2 positive during pregnancy. ‘The results of our research can be seen as another factor that strengthens the immunization recommendations for pregnant women,’ explain the researchers.
Nav-Account sp Time 03/24/2022, 17:42 | Act: 03/24/2022, 17:52