1655726365 Crazy Pizza illness for Lory Del Santo from Briatore quotShort

Crazy Pizza, illness for Lory Del Santo from Briatore: "Short circuited my body"

Crazy Pizza illness for Lory Del Santo from Briatore quotShort

Lory Del Santo he had an illness. The former competitor of the famous island is ill: tormenting stomach cramps, vomiting and asthenia. De Santo was al Crazy pizza out Flavio Briatore and likely being on the island for months without food could have caused the disease. She says, “Never tried until now.” This is the first dinner out on Celebrity Island in 80 days. It’s obviously a quiet evening.

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Del Santo says on the fan page: «On Tuesday (June 14, editor’s note) I was at Briatore in Milan. I ordered a good one Pizza and a glass of wine. Great music in the background. Nothing more. I started to eat and suddenly I felt bad: stomach cramps and a thousand sweats. I thought a bathroom refresh might be crucial, but nothing. When my friends saw that I was late coming back to the table, they came to check. Providence: I couldn’t get up. They got me out and helped me.’

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A bad time for Del Santo. And further: «After more than two months on an island leaving, in order to eat 50 grams of rice a day, the body must have been neglected. I think pizza is a bit too much for my stomach at the moment. I should be lighter, at least in the beginning. I cherish this experience that scared me a lot: I never thought that something like this could happen ». The island is heading towards the finals and the former competitor will be present in the studio, now he is doing better. “I try to prefer light food: fruits, salads and so I try to help the body to get back to normal. We need time. In the meantime I want to put this bad experience behind me: it ruined my return home .”