Crime Autopsy of four dead after violent crimes in Weilheim

Crime Autopsy of four dead after violent crimes in Weilheim Panorama

Weilheim in Oberbayern (dpa) – Three days after the violent death of four relatives in Weilheim in Oberbayern, the bodies will be autopsied this Monday. The task of forensic medicine is to determine the cause of death. It is still unclear how the two women died. Police spoke of massive injuries, how exactly this happened must now be clarified.

According to investigators, the men’s bodies have bullet wounds – it is questionable whether these were fatal. Police spokesman Alexander Huber expects the results of this investigation to be published by Tuesday at the earliest.

The motivation of crime is still unknown

According to DPA information, the dead are twin sisters and their husbands. According to previous police findings, a 59-year-old man killed the women (both 57) and then the 60-year-old man on Friday. The suspect then took his own life. The motivation of crime is still unknown. According to the police, it is a relationship crime.

According to Huber, investigators will also try to find out through interviews with witnesses what could have led the 59-year-old to the act. A gun was at his side. “It is now being investigated whether it is the murder weapon,” the police spokesman said. “Of course it’s close.” In addition, it has yet to be determined whether the man was authorized to carry a weapon.

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