If the United States wants a meeting to discuss key issues in the region, the Summit of the Americas must include everyone, Cuban Deputy Foreign Minister Carlos Fernández de Cossío said today.
Cuba calls on the US to hold an inclusive America summit.
In an interview with the US newspaper The Hill, Cuban Deputy Foreign Minister Carlos Fernández de Cossío pointed out that the US government will host the June meeting in Los Angeles Feeling privileged to invite only who he wants, he still calls it the pinnacle of the Americas.
In fact, the White House intends to host a Friends Summit that they are able to listen to what the United States is saying, accept the United States’ agenda and repeat what the United States is saying, Cossío added in his statements to media specializing in political affairs.
The island’s assistant secretary of state urged Washington not to be afraid of dialogue. even if the topic seems controversial or if you have other ideas or visions than you.
He stressed that if the summit becomes a photo show so President Joe Biden’s administration can discuss an agenda based on its interests and domestic needs, then the event will be a failure, a sterile exercise.
In fact, he assumed that the Florida Democrats would definitely lose in the next election. They shouldn’t justify their political failures in the US southern state with Cuba, that’s not why the Democrats are failing, even if they are pursuing a hostile strategy towards Havana, the diplomat said.
In addition, he commented that the current polarization in US society and politics affects foreign policy in general and therefore affects relations with Cuba.
The Antilles island dwho this week, through the voice of his Secretary of State, Bruno Rodríguez, exercised Washington’s exclusion of Havana from preparations for the forum and pressure on governments in the region opposed to that position.
This was assured by the head of Cuban diplomacy at a meeting with the national and international press in Havana To ignore the presence of the Caribbean nation at this meeting would be a serious historic setback, detrimental to the objectives of the consultation.
Rodríguez claimed that the intention to exclude the Caribbean nation was due to a politically motivated maneuver, as part of the double standard related to the internal and electoral situation in the United States.