Cuban woman arrested in Miami for destroying her neighbors cars

Cuban woman arrested in Miami for destroying her neighbors’ cars with a knife

A 29-year-old Cuban woman was arrested in Miami after using a kitchen knife to smash all four wheels of 17 cars, all owned by her neighbors, in a building on Flagler Street and 53rd Avenue.

Images filmed by those affected and broadcast by America Tevé show the moment the woman identified as Elizabeth Mazanet viciously attacked the vehicles Monday night.

The accused not only caused damage to the cars, but also destroyed doors and surveillance cameras.

The witnesses told the above medium that their neighbor first threw the grandmother’s belongings out of the house and after threatening to kill several residents of the place, went to the parking lot and destroyed the vehicles.

“She started throwing things out of her grandmother’s house. We thought she killed the grandmother but thank god the lady is hospitalizedsaid Lourdes Rodríguez.

Investigators responding to calls for help from Elizabeth’s neighbors said the woman was acting strangely at the time of the arrest.

The victims pointed out that the young Cuban might be suffering from mental health problems.

Several victims reported that the auto insurance company had not responded until an investigation was conducted, so they decided to repair the damage themselves, which resulted in an estimated damage of more than $500 per car.

Elizabeth Mazanet is charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. Judge Mindy S. Glazer He posted bail of $21,000.

It is not clear whether the defendant could return to the building after paying the deposit.

The health condition of the grandmother, who is hospitalized, was not disclosed, nor was it disclosed what damage the old woman suffered.