The “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” (“NZZ”) continues to struggle with problems two weeks after a cyber-attack on its computers. The publisher shut down the paper’s central production systems and had to pre-produce the Saturday edition on Thursday. The company announced today that this “exceptional situation” would also entail a scope reduction. Due to cyber-attack, some systems and services are not available yet.
“NZZ” IT is working with outside experts on corrective measures, he said. E-paper, on the other hand, was available without restrictions. Newspapers from CH-Media-Verlag, which gets IT services from “NZZ”, also appeared with reduced prices today. Instead of 16 different local editions, only four could be produced, as the company told the Keystone-SDA news agency. All journalistic content was made available online and via the application.
The cyber attack on the infrastructure of the media group “NZZ” became known two weeks ago. Ransomware was used, CH Media announced at the time. Hackers can use this to penetrate the victim’s computer system and gain access to or block IT systems or data. They can also lock their victims with encryption technology and demand a ransom.