Dead funny? Undertakers were suspended after a colleague pranked a colleague by jumping out of a body bag.

Dead funny? The Undertakers were suspended after a colleague played a prank on a colleague by jumping out of a body bag to scare him unconscious.

  • The footage shows how employees of the London funeral home stand over the “corpse”.
  • One of them starts to unzip the body bag before his colleague jumps out and screams.
  • John Harris of T Cribbs and Sons stated that the individuals involved were suspended.

A group of undertakers have been suspended after one of them hid in a body bag and jumped out to scare a colleague.

The footage shows T Cribb & Sons Funeral Home workers in London standing over what looks like a corpse.

When one of them unzips the body bag, his colleague bursts out and sits down like a reanimated corpse, screaming, causing the victim to jump back in shock.

The video, filmed at one of their funeral homes in Beckton, East London, caused controversy, with most people finding the joke funny, but some calling it “disrespectful”.

Viral footage shows workers at T Cribb & Sons Funeral Home in London standing over what looks like a corpse.

Viral footage shows workers at T Cribb & Sons Funeral Home in London standing over what looks like a corpse.

John Harris, senior partner at T Cribbs and Sons, watched the video over the weekend and confirmed he fired some employees.

“This is a joke that should never have happened or been shared – I have no words,” he said.

It’s a family business and I’ve been in it for 50 years. All the good work that I have done during this time, you see, it was destroyed by some stupidity. I’m really at a loss.

“I understand why people see it as disrespectful. At the end of the day, some thought they would pay for a prank on someone. I can’t stand here and put up with this. Where is the common sense?

Mr. Harris suggested that some employees might be fired.

“If it hadn’t been passed on, I could have dealt with it internally and made some reprimands, but now [I may have] lose experienced employees – one of them has been working with me for 25 years, ”he said.

“The people involved are really good professionals and I know it sounds weird when you watch this video: ‘Currently you can’t do stuff like this.’

“I would like to offer an unconditional apology if the video offended anyone.”

When one of them unzips the body bag, his colleague bursts out and sits down like a reanimated corpse, screaming, causing the victim to jump back in shock.

When one of them unzips the body bag, his colleague bursts out and sits down like a reanimated corpse, screaming, causing the victim to jump back in shock.

John Harris, senior partner at T Cribbs and Sons, watched the video over the weekend and confirmed he fired some employees.

John Harris, senior partner at T Cribbs and Sons, watched the video over the weekend and confirmed he fired some employees.

The video, posted to Twitter on Saturday afternoon by @peachpuk, has been liked and retweeted over 35,000 times and has been viewed over 800,000 times.

One user named Lee H said, “Absolutely disgusting behaviour,” while another, EFCBilly, called it “pretty disrespectful.”

However, others were quick to defend the prank.

Nick Bevin said: “In fact, I know someone who also happened to this. You may call it bad taste, but you must have a sense of humor. Well, sometimes I have to go on!

Fellow undertaker Kevin Barry Blair said: “People in our profession need to relax and unwind. Such pranks cheer us up.”

A third Twitter user added: “Anyone who doesn’t see pure British humor in all its glory should be sitting on a naughty step.”

55053713 10586243 image a 46 1646666482293 55053717 10586243 image a 47 1646666486038 55053715 10586243 image a 48 1646666489067 55053403 10586243 image a 45 1646666380815 A video filmed at one of their funeral homes in Beckton, East London divided opinion, with most people laughing at the joke, but some calling it

A video filmed at one of their funeral homes in Beckton, East London divided opinion, with most people laughing at the joke, but some calling it “disrespectful”.