Dear organizers of pro-Israel or pro-Palestinian demonstrations, you must be unconscious or arrogant if you think that you are helping your cause in Quebec public opinion by taking to the streets with slogans and signs in English as if you were Toronto!
It would only be a fair return of politeness if Quebecers ignored you just as politely.
If we block streets in the city center, the least we can do is respect the particular culture of the people among whom we are making noise.
Legault’s impotence
Despite the repetitions of François Legault, with his false nationalism, who talks so much about the importance of “francizing” newcomers, it is clear to us that we are not listening to him more than we should.
Both pro-Israelis and pro-Palestinians in Montreal act as if Quebec doesn’t exist.
And to think that without Palestine, the Palestinians, like the Israelis who refuse to disappear from the map (as Hamas and Hezbollah would like), are fighting for their existence…
These people should therefore spontaneously understand the elementary politeness that consists in respecting the French fact in Quebec … but no!
There are thousands of them on our streets on a regular basis… and you’ll be looking for a little Maurice Duplessis or Champlain flag for a long time!
Hard fat
You will soon see with what enthusiasm and energy officials will assert their right to preserve their relative privileges over the humble non-officials of the world!
And these strikers, passionately pursuing their own petty interests, will be monitored by police officers who received a 21% raise, and they will negotiate with politicians who gave themselves a 30% raise a few months ago…
However, you will not see Quebecers taking to the streets out of pride, let alone to defend their language, and so we allow ourselves to ignore them.