Nehammer Creativity is required for sanctions against Russia

Deputies support oil embargo on Russia

Oil accounts for the bulk of Russia’s exports and is also easily replaceable, says SPÖ deputy Andreas Schieder. A ban on coal and uranium imports is also being considered. The resolution is expected to be voted on on Thursday.

MEPs want to see an EU oil embargo against Russia implemented “as soon as possible”. It is “fixed” that the demand for oil will come, Thomas Waitz, MEP for the Greens and co-chair of the European Greens, said Tuesday in Strasbourg. Demand for a uranium embargo will “most likely” be included, gas is still the subject of negotiations. The resolution is expected to be voted on on Thursday.

The head of the SPÖ delegation, Andreas Schieder, also said that the aim is for the EU to immediately withdraw from Russian oil supplies. Oil accounts for the bulk of Russia’s exports and is also easily replaceable. Demand for an immediate halt to Russian coal imports must also be included.

The leader of the ÖVP delegation, Angelika Winzig, warned against a headshot. Currently, Austria gets about ten percent of its oil from Russia, which is considered particularly pure. It is questionable whether refineries could also work with other oil. Tiny announced intense negotiations on the matter. Countries have different basic requirements, Austria is around 80% dependent on Russian gas. ÖVP MEP Lukas Mandl spoke of a “very dynamic development”. But there is no doubt that Europe is united to fight a bloody war of aggression from Russia with bloodless sanctions.

Neos MP Claudia Gamon criticized that Austria has not yet presented an action plan on how to get out of dependence on Russian gas. “We also have to prepare for the next winter, when Russian gas will no longer be available,” said Gamon.

The FPÖ is mobilizing against the “theater of sanctions”. The head of the delegation, Harald Vilimsky, explained: “Sanctions do nothing but raise prices.” Vilimsky also criticized Chancellor Karl Nehammer (ÖVP) plans to visit Kiev as a “meaningless public relations campaign”. Austria should offer itself as neutral ground for negotiations between Ukraine, Russia and Europe, Vilimsky demanded.