Devastating ice storm Almost all customers reconnected by Monday says

Devastating ice storm: Almost all customers reconnected by Monday, says Hydro-Québec

Virtually all of Hydro-Quebec’s subscribers who have been in the dark since Wednesday will be reconnected at the end of the day Monday, Hydro-Quebec assured Sunday.

• Also read: Ice storm: 4 days later, more than 115,000 households are still in the dark

• Also read: Power Outage: A mother discouraged because her insurance doesn’t cover flooding

By morning, the state company’s teams had managed to reconnect about 1 million families, or more or less 90% of the subscribers, without electricity. She hoped that rate would climb to 95% by the end of the day.

By 11 a.m., more than 112,000 customers were without power, including nearly 80,000 on the island of Montreal. Again, about 1,500 workers worked hard to restore the network, including about 600 in Montreal.

Around 180,000 families were able to find the light on Saturday.

“One might have the impression that the pace is slowing down, which is not the case. […] We are making the same efforts to fix outages that are affecting fewer people,” Régis Tellier, vice president of operations and maintenance at Hydro-Québec, assured a summary on Sunday morning.


Hydro-Québec’s teams still had to fix more than 2,600 outages, mostly on Hydro-Québec’s secondary network. Several prove complex to solve, with significant damage mobilizing more than one team at a time.

“That’s really the challenge. If you fall into the minors, it’s the same hassle but few customers. Sometimes it’s five, ten customers,” said the vice president.

Mr Tellier said his teams understand the urgency of the situation as many families struggle with cold nights and the “discomfort” of living without electricity for days.

“You know that the pressure that we feel on our teams. We’re really doing everything we can to recover as quickly as possible,” he said.