1690062526 Simple and effective arsenal for perchaude

Different presentations to put a stop to the true king of the waters, the muskellunge

The Maski is at the top of the food chain. Of all the species that swim in our lakes and rivers, it is probably the most symbolic and mythical.

• Also read: Good junctions

The musk is notoriously difficult to fool and has earned a reputation for being a predator, attacking only every hundred hours or every thousand casts. In addition, the vast majority of enthusiasts handle their catches with care and then pardon them to ensure the sustainability of the species. To help you catch the largest member of the Esox family, here you will find a range of powerful baits.

Photos provided by Patrick Campeau

1. Bomber Magnum Long A

Different presentations to put a stop to the true king

2. Arbogast Jitterbug G700

1693651938 706 Different presentations to put a stop to the true king

3. Creek Chub Knuckle Head

1693651940 709 Different presentations to put a stop to the true king

4. Big Wabler Williams W70

1693651942 170 Different presentations to put a stop to the true king

5. Musky Killer Mepps

1693651944 442 Different presentations to put a stop to the true king

6. Cotton Cordell Red Fin C10

1693651946 72 Different presentations to put a stop to the true king

7. Williams Whitefish C90

1693651948 955 Different presentations to put a stop to the true king

8th. Aglia tandem

1693651950 134 Different presentations to put a stop to the true king

9. Regular Bull Dawg 9 inches

1693651952 281 Different presentations to put a stop to the true king

10 LuhrJensen Kwikfish K16

1693651954 84 Different presentations to put a stop to the true king

11. Alien Eel V2 Savage Gear

1693651957 921 Different presentations to put a stop to the true king

12. Spinnerbait Judd

1693651959 204 Different presentations to put a stop to the true king

13. One Shot Tackle Perchosaurus 10 inches

1693651961 518 Different presentations to put a stop to the true king

14. Depth Raider articulated Joe Bucher

1693651964 770 Different presentations to put a stop to the true king

15. Musky Mania Jake 8″

1693651966 703 Different presentations to put a stop to the true king

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