Doc in your hands Sara Lazzaros father is a famous

Doc in your hands, Sara Lazzaro’s father is a famous ex footballer: his story Il Granata

Doc – In your hands Sara Lazzaro’s father is a famous former footballer: here is his story and the words of the actress.

After the first two seasons Doc – In your hands It has become a very popular series, so much so that it is also broadcast abroad. The medical drama starring Luca Argentero has really conquered everyone, both for its interesting plots and thanks to the skill of what is sure to be an exceptional cast.

sara lazzaro dad footballerThis is Sara Lazzaro’s father – Photo ANSA –

Rai fiction was also about showing off Sarah Lazarus, who plays the role of Health Director Angese Tiberi. Due to her skills, she was also recently involved in the Netflix series The Law of Lidia Poët, which is getting a lot of views on the streaming platform.

Since she was young, Lazzaro has deepened her passion for art and acting, although in reality she is the Dad has dedicated himself to a whole different world; Did you know that he was a former professional soccer player? Here’s his story.

Sara Lazzaro, the ex-soccer player’s father

Sara Lazzaro grew up between Padova and Carmel, in California (mother’s country of origin). Daughter of Giuseppe Lazzaro, forward, born in ’49 who wore the shirts of Padua, Carpi and Monselice before his retirement. Even the actress herself spoke about her father’s football activities and her childhood and adolescence in a recent interview with the weekly F.

sara lazzaro dad footballerThe actress of Doc – In your hands talks about her family and beyond – Photo ANSA –

“He is a former professional soccer player turned writer and sports reporter“, reveals Lazzaro about her father’s profession. In fact, Giuseppe Lazzaro published the book Nella fossa dei leoni in 2002. The Appiani Stadium in Padua in the memoirs of many former Biancoscudati footballers dedicated to the famous Padua Stadium and then again In punta di nino, a book about cycling, together with Cesare Sangallli.

Speaking of her family, Lazzaro explained how the mother just moved to Italy out of love for her father and that his brother resides permanently in the United States. Unlike him, however, she preferred to travel further after her studies and also to gain various experiences. “After graduating in architecture in Venice, I went to London to study acting, worked there for a while, then returned to Italy, then back to California, to Los Angeles, without flying back,” explained the actress.