A dog has been waiting for his family for 4 years, can you believe it? Let’s find out where this incredible story happened.
Dog waiting in the street – Viaggi.nanopress.it
The dog is man’s best friend. It seems like an often-abused cliché, and yet several stories bear witness to this great truth. Dogs are very loyal animals and can show great love to the people who adopt them. A love that often lasts a lifetime. Today’s story is just one powerful example of what we are saying. A story of those who warm the heart and who come from far away.
Dog has been waiting for his family for 4 years, there it is
To tell this story we have to travel all the way to Thailand. Here in a suburb, employees at a gas station noticed the presence at the side of the road every day a stray dog.
Dirty, lonely, sad. But judging by his demeanor, he was obviously an animal used to human contact. At first the staff thought he was lost for a moment, and instead the dog showed up there every day.
Dog has been waiting for his family for 4 years – travel.nanopress.it
One woman even gave him a name for convenience: Leo, brought him food and water and tried to take him off the side of the road. There was nothing to do, the dog continued to return to the same place every day and although it was accompanied by Mrs. Saovalak at the gas station each time, it soon returned to its place.
I just watch the cars go by. A very cute animal and seeing him like this every day was heartbreaking for everyone who worked in this field. So Ms. Saovalak persuaded herself to look for a solution together with her colleagues.
The story of the dog Leo and his family
Since the situation had been going on for some time, practically four years, the gas station employees decided to post Leo’s photo on Facebook and tell his story. A dog has been waiting for his family for 4 years, they shared this on social mediahoping to reach as many people as possible.
And as we know, the tam tam on the internet can be phenomenal at times. In fact, after some time, Saovalak was contacted by a Thai family from another city. Leo was just her dog his real name is BonBon. They had been looking for it for four years from the moment they lost it while moving.
According to this family’s account, the dog jumped out of the car they were carrying their belongings in without anyone noticing. They had tried to look for him everywhere without knowing exactly where he might be. The searches were only stopped after years. And so BonBon was waiting in the same spot where he had last seen his family.
Leo’s Story – travel.nanopress.it
However, the conclusion of this story was even more surprising. BonBon’s family traveled to see him and the reunion was very emotional, even for the gas station operators. A wonderful story with a happy ending.
Apparently, however, the animal only needed to see its old masters one last time, because when it came time to reunite with them, he has made it clear that he wants to stay with Ms. Soavalak. Although Leo/BonBon remained true to the memories of his previous owners, he was nonetheless grateful to those who had taken care of him over the years and had come to develop affection for his new owners as well.
The previous family agreed with a touch of wistfulness, realizing that this was no longer just their dog, but was reassured to know that their old friend was safe. In short: that ends well, all is well.