Drone crashes during Alok show and gets stuck in woman39s

Drone crashes during Alok show and gets stuck in woman's hair | Celebrities |

Drone crashes at Alok concert and gets tangled in fan's hair Reproduction / Instagram

Drone crashes at Alok concert and gets tangled in fan's hair. Reproduction / Instagram

Published on December 31, 2023 6:11 p.m

Rio An unusual incident occurred last Thursday (28) at DJ Alok's show in Florianópolis. During the presentation, one of the drones used for filming crashed and became entangled in the hair of two women in the audience. The propellers got stuck and the two had help from people around them to unscrew the drone from their hair. There were no injuries.

Alok's drone fell and got tangled in the girl's hair pic.twitter.com/VBgjjIO2uw

Vai Desmaiar (@vaidesmaiar) December 31, 2023

The video went viral on social media and the singer, 31, spoke out this Sunday. “The drone was mine. The girl is fine and didn't have to cut her hair. At that moment the show was already over and people were asking for more shows. At that moment I didn't notice it and soon after “Seeing the situation, I asked my team to call the girl. She went into my dressing room and I discussed an idea with her,” the DJ said.

“It was the first time this had happened at a show. This happened to Romana too and she didn't have to cut her hair.” And I have seen several very creative comments on the internet etc and one of them is that Alok should pay for a year of beauty salon. The girl's hair. I liked this idea, I'll adopt it, okay? “So I’m going to pay you to do your hair at a beauty salon for a year, okay?” Alok explained.